The missions are a great excuse to play around in the world, but they don’t have the type of pull that fans might hope. Saints Row: The Third landed on some really great open world mission concepts, but seeing those same ideas re-used for a third time diminishes their entertainment. The demonic makeover given to each mission does them feel slightly unique, but completing more than one of each type starts to wear thin. Most of the missions are hellish riffs on Saints Row staples as well, from Fraud to Trailblazing. It makes for a fine distraction, but there’s far less creativity at play here than in any past game. However, while loyalty missions in SR 4 were uniquely crafted levels and experiences, Gat Out of Hell’s only ask players to complete a handful of the DLC’s standalone open world missions.
To defeat Satan, players will enlist the help of several Underworld inhabitants – easily the best cameos in the game – and after gaining their allegiance, they will complete a series of loyalty missions for each. The core gameplay loop of Gat Out of Hell should be plenty familiar to Saints Row 4 players as well. Volition goes for it, there's no question about that, but for some people many of the jokes will fall flat. The story is funny enough, but it doesn't have quite the same punch as past games. And what story is there is told in very short cutscenes, many of which lack the trademark humor of the series. By that we mean the story functions like an epilogue to the past game, and only takes about 2-3 hours to complete. Unfortunately, although Gat Out of Hell is a standalone product, it is very much a DLC add-on for Saints Row 4. That premise alone would make any Saints Row fan smile and is sure to help move plenty of digital copies. Not pleased with his boss’ current predicament, Johnny heads into hell to shoot the devil in the face. While toying with a mystical Ouija board, the President of the Universe – the player character from past Saints Row games – is whisked off to Hell to marry Satan’s daughter Jezebel. After a brief flirtation with death, Gat has returned to the Saints’ crew, but his reunion is short lived. Principally, this new DLC gives players ultimate freedom and power, and asks them to embark on a mission that is goofy even by Saints Row standards.Īs the name implies, Gat Out of Hell casts players as the Third Street Saints’ main lieutenant Johnny Gat. In keeping with that theme, Volition has just released Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, a standalone expansion that builds off Saints Row 4’s concepts but takes them to new extremes. From bats that double as sex aids to a full-blown Matrix rip-off, Saints Row found its niche in the absurd, and by and large, fans have been receptive to its new approach. While the original Saints Row drew plenty of criticism for its lack of originality, the franchise has grown over time to become one of the most creative open world titles on the market.